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Thursday, August 1, 2013

Thank You!

I never understood why people are so bothered about being bitched about. I have always taken being bitched about as quite amusing and more of a backhanded compliment.  

When people are talking about me it is because they are trying to figure me out. It is a testimony of the fact that they can't take their mind off of me. 

When people come and tell me about something someone said about me I get quite amused. It motivates me in a weird way. It proves that I am important enough to be discussed. 

I don't bitch about them, cause they don't matter. That's how unimportant they are to me. My life is so full of me and my loved ones that I don't have time to indulge my precious time discussing someone else's life. There is always so much happening in my life or in my near and dear ones' lives that it keeps me and my thoughts busy enough. 

Its not just limited to bitching... it manifests into throwing stones at wild animals, or destroying public property or just plain and simple creating a mess. 

Its people's way of attracting attention to themselves by destroying all things beautiful and free. People just don't know how to be around such things and people. They just do what to them is the next best thing. If you can't be like something or someone... you just try and destroy them. Its is their way of being in touch with these things. It is their way of making their presence felt. 

I never feel bad when I hear that I am being bitched about. It tells me that I am doing something right. That I am on the right track. I just bash on regardless with a new vigor. More motivated to be the way I am. 

Your bitching doesn't discourage me. It keeps me going. It shows me the light to the right path. It keeps me motivated. 

But for these people I would have just settled for lesser. 

So, thank you! 

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

In Agreement With Disagreement

When someone disagrees with me... I don't need to immediately rephrase my words. I should not be apologetic about my difference in opinion with you. I am not. Hence I wont try. 

I think or feel or say something coz I believe in it. You do the same coz you believe in it. You don't need to see my point of view. You just need to respect it. Like I do yours. 

My mistakes are mine to make. Your mistakes are yours. I wont try and tell you right from wrong. I would respect you more if you don't either.

People I love... I let them make their mistakes (or atleast what I think are mistakes). 

Each one of us need to do things that we regret. Man would never know fire is hot until he burnt his finger. 

I would never realize where I am going wrong unless I fall on my face.

We don't need people to always agree with us. If they do, then they are not being themselves. I would rather that you disagree with me... than agree with everything I say or do. 

Neither of us will grow that way. If there were no differences of opinions then the world will be a big blob. I don't want to live in a blob. 

I like you because of who you are, not because who I want you to be. 

I am happily in agreement with the disagreement. 

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

To Live Or To Analyze??


"Babe...Stop! Stop! Stop! Don't overthink!" 

We all spend so much time analyzing other people's actions and how we "should" feel or react in a situation that most times we forget to actually experience the situation. 

One can either analyze life or actually live it. It's not humanly possible to do both. 

Most times we are analyzing or worrying or thinking about something because we are too scared to feel it. 

It's like dipping your feet in the ice cold water of the pool. If you do that it will be cold. Just take the plunge, the water is never as cold as it was when we dipped our feet. 

Before I take the first sip of alcohol, if I am too busy telling myself that I don't want to get drunk...I never will. Just let loose.. and enjoy the high. 

Stop trying to figure out why he is saying what he is saying...Just fall in love. 

Stop trying to figure people out. Just enjoy their company. 

The problem with all of us is that we overthink...always. 

Life is not a case study. Live it. Let our experiences be the core. Analysis is for people who want to avoid experiences. 

Experiences make us what we are. Analysing and avoiding them will only deter us.  

Monday, July 29, 2013

This Day That Year...

"Ma'am do you want a girl or a boy?"... The doc who was operating on me asked....
I mumbled, "Girl."
"You wish has been answered... healthy baby girl 3kgs weight"
I tried to smile... but was still drowsy from the effect of drugs. I vaguely remembered being taken out of the OT while every one kept telling me how pretty she was. How she had my lips and how adorable she looked.

July 29, 2004.

That was the day my bundle of joy was born.

Cut to 2013. July 29.

She is still my bundle of joy. Tad bit heavier. Taller. Thinner. But with a mind of her own. Just the way I wanted. With questions for every statement I make. Keeping me on my toes all the time. Ensuring that I can;t get away with... dumb reasons for what one should do.

Just the way I wanted it. A thinking person. With likes, dislikes of her own.

Who has learnt the difference between needs and wants at this tender age. And friends and acquaintances.

Who has her own set hairdresser. Who she gives specific instructions to about what hair cut she wants.

Just the way I wanted it.

Dear Hrusha,

You are 9 Today...soon you will be 19. Soon we will have more arguments than I can handle. Soon you will get mad at me for entering you room and going through your stuff.

But until then... I am totally gonna enjoy being your role model.

I love you... more than I knew I was capable of loving anyone.


Sunday, July 28, 2013

Criticism and Compliance

My daughter got a haircut. However, when she was out to play, she was a subjected to a lot of criticism by her friends. As expected she came back home upset. As I was the one who insisted on the haircut, (Which is really nice btw...) I was immediately transported back to my childhood. And all the criticisms I faced. 

I tried to explain to her that I am not any lesser just because someone decides to criticize me. The criticism is not of me, but it is a display of critical thinking from him. 

By criticizing me he is only attracting attention to his closed mindedness and his thoughts, and not my state of being. 

I used to spend a lot of time trying to adhere to what people thought I should be like. Trying to appease one and all. Until I realized that by doing that I am not really fighting for my self worth. Their liking or disliking me is not a proof of what I am, its a comment on their thought process. I can't control their thoughts. I can however control how I will take each comment people make on me. 

Quoting, American writer-philosopher, Elbert Hubbard--"To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing."  

Fortunately that's not how I want to spend my life. 

I tried explaining this to my 9 year old. She didn't quite grasp the concept. I didn't want to push it.

She will figure this out sooner or later. Just the way I did.